eFaber's activity consists of offering and adapting software to the needs of companies in order to find solutions to problems.
Naturally, intelligent solutions that take advantage of the possibilities of the most current and advanced tools. eFaber does not limit itself to making programmes but provides integral solutions in terms of the conceptual business model, the software and hardware, its installation and maintenance, as well as the consequences for the internal and external organisation of the business.
Dynamic Web services oriented to the creation of virtual communities with the most advanced technology, perfectly structured in modules, always with open software. The speed of response of any website and its usability are essential for its success.
Intranet systems in a company or group of companies seeking collaboration between people in the company and the exchange of information and documents, in those cases where the workforce may be located in very distant geographical locations and using different platforms.It basically fulfils four functions: knowledge management and promotion of internal communication (through forums, news, polls, surveys, voting, electronic messages, magazines, chats, emails, etc.), virtual office (where all kinds of documents are shared) and training and learning.
Tools for project management and monitoring from different physical locations, through a web browser, of the status of a project (execution or evolution) and of the different resources used in it (materials, personnel, hours invested, costs), as well as incidents, meetings, documentation, etc.
Training courses in various areas related to new technologies: introduction to Unix/Linux, advanced Unix/Linux, system administration, network administration, internet security, e-business solutions, databases, etc.
The programme of the courses we offer may vary depending on the entity to which it is addressed and the specific needs of each case, since the interest in the different tools varies if the course is aimed, for example, at university staff for research application purposes, school teachers for educational purposes, or web service developers.
Tele-training or e-learning platforms with which to create virtual academies with integrated enrolment, teaching and assessment processes, or internal training courses in a company. This methodology allows significant advantages to be achieved both in terms of cost reduction and the usability of the content for all users, better monitoring of the evolution of the students, strengthening of teamwork and collaboration, etc.
Corporate portals for companies (manufacturer or distributor-stockist) with the aim of implementing e-commerce with their customers and suppliers and carrying out all types of communications and economic transactions with them (B2B e-commerce) with the option of integrating all economic transactions and exchanges of information in the customer/supplier's ERP through the use of intermediate integration layers.
Web-based purchasing and order aggregation services for a company or group of companies with their most important suppliers, aiming at a consequent cost reduction (B2B e-procurement).
Big data analytics solutions using advanced mathematical models and methods and data mining systems.
End-consumer oriented online shops for any type of manufacturer, distributor or point-of-sale (B2C shopping).
Beowulf clusters of computers for Internet applications and calculations of any kind.